
Archive for December 9th, 2008

The Mind-Body Connection
By Karen Monteverdi
GreenMountain Enrichment and Empowerment Center

In their work with epileptics in the 1950s, neuroscientists like Paul MacLean revealed much about brain function, and the relationship between the cortex (left and right hemispheres), and what MacLean and others call the R-complex (our limbic, mamalian and reptilian brain).

The brain stem is dedicated to survival, and is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor movement, balance and equilibrium and muscle tone.

The Limbic system having to do with feeling and emotions. The Limbic system contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus. (source: Bryn Mawr College)

The cortex which is involved with thinking and sensory input and interpretation.

These three parts of the brain are meant to work together and communicate with each other.

A natural energy flow pulsates in 3-D in the head. It comes from the center of the brain following the fluids in the head in and out in a regular rhythm. The natural energy flow in the body is longitudinal, following the spinal cord down the length of the body. Blocks in the body that impede the flow of this pulsation create physical, mental or emotional problems that limit our success and sense of joy in living.

“Many blocks are unconscious, below awareness. For a full life, blocks must be released and made conscious so they can be integrated.” (The MacLean Triune Brain Model )

Success lies in finding the blocks, releasing them and renegotiating more successful ways of acting in the world. Our thoughts, emotions and how we see ourselves in our world are directly related to the blocks we hold in our mind and body.

There are many methods of unblocking the natural flow of our bodies energy. To learn more contact karen@gotocoach.net

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